"Kids & Art"

Many years ago I was part of the San Francisco Rotary.  Bay Area Kids representative was our guest speaker.  I was very moved that this organization worked with kids who had life threatening illness. Kids & Art Foundation was part of this.  Afterwards, I felt myself be propelled from my seat to to speak the person.  I volunteered to teach children to paint.

This was totally amazing to me.  I wonder what had come over me and now what.  I’ve never taught a child to paint.  This action was the beginning of a marvelous enriching journey with Kids & Art.  Purvi Shah’s second son came down with leukemia, Hence, Kids & Art Foundation was born.  She was right on that kids needs a healthy outlet.  A way to express themselves and feel good about themselves.  I love working with kids.  They have no filter.  They are turned on and tuned it.  The way I paint.  The first time I taught kids, I asked them to “paint what an ice cream cone tastes like.”  They got it.

Purvi had her work cut out for her finding locations that would open up their doors to artists and children. Pixar Studios & Google are two that come to mind that I’ve participated in with many other fabulous artist, plus others opening their hearts and their doors.

The pictures you are about to see are from years ago at Pixar Studios.  Amaey has since passed away.  He was my student from the get go.  An old soul and a “foodie.”  I like to share a writing from Amaey Shah.

“If People Were Buildings…”

“If people were buildings, I would be a brick cottage.  My heart would be the fireplace glowing warm. My feelings would be the family living inside me.  My nose would be the chimney blowing out smoke.  The food the family makes would say I’m always hungry.

My hands would be the bricks holding up the cottage.  And, my eyes would the two small windows which you look out of.”

On another note, though closely joined, which is why I am sharing this.  When I had my West Coast Opening.  It was not held in a gallery.  It was held in a beautiful home on the market in Atherton, California.  The outdoor setting was feng shui by Linda Lenore of Green Chia Designs.  We had about 50 paintings throughout the gardens, around the pool and walk ways.  It was important for me to have the children be involved with my work. They could touch it and have pictures taken of themselves with it.  These were kids from the Bay Area Kids Organization. 

One little girl, Brenna, had created a painting for me.  She was one of the children I taught to paint at Lucille Packard Hospital, and quite sassy.  I loved her.  The painting had four hearts, small to big.  A in each corner.  When I asked her what the A was for, she said “A for Artist Dummy!”

I write like I talk, so excuse the way I introduce a new related topic, now moving on to my West Coast Opening. My tee shirts made for the kids had a big red heart.  I painted gold drops on them too. And, my West Coast Opening was called “Art of the Art.”  Because all art comes from and lives in our hearts.

Kids & Art Foundation, Amaey Shah in particular lives in my heart, and perhaps he might peak inside yours. 


"Lilee Eyes"