I am an Abstract Expressionist. Born in Jacksonville, Florida. My fondest memories as a child growing up in La Rochelle, France were the vibrant golden yellows of the mustard fields. My father was in the military and after his station, we returned to the United States to reside in Maryland. I have always been mesmerized by color and movement.
When I started to explore art through the Art League in Olde Town Alexandria, Virginia, I found myself driven to paint and left after four lessons to paint. I painted 60 paintings in 45 days, and shortly thereafter, received representation through Marin Price Gallery In Chevy Chase, Maryland.
In 2002 I relocated to Northern California. Next, came a new experience of being invited to teach kids with life threatening illnesses to paint, in my style of imaginative painting….”I want you to paint what an ice cream cone tastes like.”
My West Coast opening “Art of the Heart” held in a unique environment outside of the traditional gallery setting. It was situated on the grounds of a beautiful residence located in Atherton, California, with 50 paintings in the gardens and around the pool area, Feng Shui by a Grand Trine master, Linda Lenore of Green Chi Designs. One of the Lucile Packard children I had previously taught, created a painting for me of a huge heart in the middle of her painting , and that very “message,” was the reason I named my West Coast opening “Art of the Heart,” for all art comes from the heart.